Cliché Bingo for Meetings
This game should make the meetings that you are obliged to attend
much more interesting and entertaining. You play by ticking off
any five clichés on the following list heard from any one
speaker during any single meeting, then shouting out
"BINGO" to win! It's that easy! Share
this amusing pastime with your colleagues, and arrange suitable
- synergy
- best practice per se
- holistic facilitator
- proactive (not reactive)
- think outside the box
- glitch parameters
- on the same page
- stop-gap
- the bottom line
- touch base
- hardball
- incidental bandwidth
- in the loop
- go the extra mile
- benchmark
- target assessment
- revisit
- fast track
- a done deal
- no blame (or, no fault)
- knowledge based
- total quality
- mindset
- put that one to bed
- plausible deniability
- peel the onion back
- from the get-go
- holding pattern
- back-scratcher (not a pacifier)
- client-focused
- core business
- quid pro quo basis
- win-win situation
- simulated handshake
- take that off-line
- strategic fit
- gap analysis
- lessons learned
- in the ball park
- game plan
- calibrated feedback
- out of the loop
- walk in their shoes
- the big picture
- sacrifice maneuver
- movers and shakers
- result-driven
- empower employees
- stretch the envelope
- value-added
- quality-driven
- parse that one
- move the goal posts
- cut the Gordian Knot
- button-pushing scenario
- one-on-one
- sudden-death overtime
- payback