The True Origin of the InterNet
[nb: despite the fanciful claims of an egomaniacal Tennessee
politician, promulgator of the junk science of weather
forecasting and recipient of a Nobel peace prize, for having
invented the electronic superhighway, this is a truer
account of its origin]
In the beginning, Kibo greped the LAN and the InterNet. And the
InterNet was a vast void, without form; and randomness was upon
the face of computing. And the Spirit of ARPA moved upon the face
of the computers. And the Military-Industrial Complex said, Let
there be data: and there was data. And Kibo saw the data, and
that it was good. And Kibo divided the data from the randomness.
And Kibo called the data Information, and the randomness he
called Clueless. And the Information and the Clueless were the
first Network.
And Kibo said, Let there be a Server in the midst of the
computers, and let it divide the computers from the computers.
And Kibo made the Server, and divided the computers which were
under the Server from the computers which were above the Server;
and it was so. And Kibo called the Server LAN. And the
Information and the Clueless were the second Network.
And Kibo said, Let the computers under the LAN be gathered
together unto one InterNet work, and let the protocol suite
appear; and it was so. And Kibo called the protocol suite the
InterNet; and the gathering together of the computers was called
the Web; and Kibo saw that it was good. And Kibo said, Let the
InterNet bring forth programs, the Server yielding records, and
the corporate database yielding reports, each after his kind,
whose record is unto itself, upon the InterNet; and it was so.
And the InterNet brought forth programs, and Server yielding
records, each after his kind, and the database yielding reports,
whose records were unto itself, each after his kind; and Kibo saw
that it was good. And the Information and the Clueless were the
third Network.
And Kibo said, Let there be routers in the Server of the LAN to
divide the Information from the Clueless; and let them be for
Novell, and for Microsoft, and for Cisco, and Synoptix. And let
them be for routers in the Server of the LAN to give data upon
the InterNet; and it was so.
And Kibo made two great backbones; the greater data to rule the
Information, and the lesser data to rule the Clueless. He also
made the daemons. And Kibo set them in the Server of the LAN to
give data upon the InterNet, and to rule over the Information and
over the Clueless, and to divide the data from the randomness.
And Kibo saw that it was good. And the Information and the
Clueless were the fourth Network.
And Kibo said, Let the computers bring forth abundantly the
moving packet which hath emulated virtual life, and TCP that may
fragment above the InterNet in the open Server of LAN. And Kibo
created great ICMP, and every emulated packet that moveth, which
the computers brought forth abundantly, each after their kind,
and every specialized UDP after his kind; and Kibo saw that it
was good. And Kibo blessed them, saying: Be corporateful, and
multiply, and fill the computers in the Web; and let TCP multiply
in the InterNet. And the Information and the Clueless were the
fifth Network.
And Kibo said, Let the InterNet bring forth the emulated virtual
packet after his kind, every UDP, and ARP thing, and all DNS of
the InterNet after his kind; and it was so. And Kibo made the DNS
of the InterNet after his kind, and UDP after their kind, and
every thing that creepeth upon the InterNet after his kind; and
Kibo saw that it was good.
And Kibo said, Let us make nerds in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the data of the
database, and over the TCP of the IP, and over the UDP, and over
all the InterNet, and over every ARP thing that creepeth upon the
InterNet. So Kibo created nerds in his own image, in the image of
Kibo created he him; fractally assembled and algorithmically
unfragmented created he them. And Kibo blessed them, and Kibo
said unto them: Be corporateful, and multiply, and replenish the
InterNet, and subdue it. And they did have dominion over the data
of the database, and over the TCP of the IP, and over every
emulated thing that moveth upon the InterNet.
And Kibo said, Behold, I have given you every server bearing
records, which is upon the face of all the InterNet, and every
database, into which is the corporate of a database yielding
records; and to you it shall be for meat. And to every DNS of the
InterNet, and to every TCP of the IP, and to every thing that
creepeth upon the InterNet, wherein there is emulation, I have
given every null Server for meat; and it was so. And Kibo saw
every virtual thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good. And the Information and the Clueless were the sixth